Here you will find important information to answer any questions you may have. If you still have any further questions, please call our team on 020 8509 6526 or send an email to enquiries@sylvestrian-leisure.co.uk


When are you running your camps?

Camps will be running during every school holiday. Dates for upcoming camps can be found on the main Holiday Activities page.

Upcoming Camp dates 2025


February Camp: 

  • Week 1: 17th February – 21st February

Easter Camp: 

  • Week 1: 31st March – 4th April
  • Week 2: 7th April – 11th April
  • Week 3: 14th April – 17th April

May Camp: 

  • Week 1: 27th May – 30th May (4 days)

Which bubble group will my child be in?

Children attending camp are organised into ‘bubbles’ primarily based on age, where the maximum age difference of children is generally no more than two years. The number of children in each bubble may vary but will not exceed 20. There will be at least two Group Leaders with each bubble throughout the day. The staff to children ratio for under 8’s is 1:8 and for over 8’s is 1:10.

Bubble requests – if you would like your child to be placed in the same bubble as a sibling or friend, please send a request to LAnglin@forest.org.uk. We will do our utmost to accommodate all requests but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee all requests will be possible.

Approximately a week before your child is due to attend camp, you will receive an email with details regarding their attendance at camp including which bubble group they will be in for the week.

What are the payment options?

We have a number of different payment options available. You can either pay via card, PayPal or childcare voucher. For more information regarding payment, please visit the Payment Methods tab.

What shall I do if my child contracts Covid-19?

If your child tests positive for Covid-19, they are not permitted to attend camp or come on site for at least 5 days. Please contact either enquiries@sylvestrian-leisure.co.uk or LAnglin@forest.org.uk to inform us.

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